Translations:Master-Interlook:Работа с квотами/29/en
Screen Stop-Sale list
The information presented in the screen name of the hotel and the type and room category, start date and finishing the action stop-Salem, the service provider, the date of last modification of information on stop-Salem. In the Last 3 days will be written the word New, if the record has changed in the last three days. If changes were made, this field will be empty. Field Type of Stop-Sale is displayed only when the database has an option to install a stop sales quota type of commitment (см.п. "Set stop-sale quota type of commitment»).
In the Stop-Sale list for the selection of data, you can use filters:
- At the location of the hotel,
- Under the name of the hotel,
- By partner
- To stop sales of the date or the period of dates
- Date last modified information on stop-sale.
May be completed mapping canceled stop-sale, a sign saying 'Show canceled Stop-Sale'. Filter No show Stop-Sale type, you can hide a column in a table Type of Stop-Sale. During a test for this filter, if one object quotas are set stop-sale of various types, the table entries will be grouped together on the project quotas. As well as the field Type of Stop-Sale, this filter is available only if the database has an option to install a stop sales quota type of commitment (см.п. "Set stop-sale quota type of commitment»). Filter No show «Allotment only» Stop-Sale if commitment quota exists to hide the screen data on stop-sale quota allotment type in if there is a quota commitment for the object allocation.