PS «Master-Interlook»

Материал из Megatec
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Before you begin, it is recommended to learn the basic rules of the c program How to start

List of entries
Before you start
Master-Interlook:Обслуживание системы
Master-Interlook:Терминология - Terminology of "Master-Interlook"
Master-Interlook:Быстрый старт - How to start
Master-Interlook:Главный экран - Work in main window
Master-Interlook:Работа с экскурсионным блоком - Work with excursions
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Общие принципы работы - Work with data in dictionaries
Geographic dictionaries
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Countries Regions Cities - Fill in Countries Regions Cities
Work with currencies
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Currencies - List of currencies
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Exchange - National currency exchange
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Cross exchange rates -Cross currency exchange
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Private exchange - Individual currency exchange
Tourists travveling -transfers and excursions
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Flight numbers - Flight numbers schedule
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Pickup point types - Transfer pickup point types
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Pickup point list - Transfer pickup point list
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Transfer timing - Transfer timing - duration of transfers
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Transfer types- Transfer types
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Transport list - List of transfer transport
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Route types - Route types
Работа с данными о компании
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Partners - Partners dictionary
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Partner associations types - Partner associations types
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Partners. Persons - Persons - list of stuff
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Person contact types - Person contact types
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Person adress types - Person adress types
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Document types - Person document types
Work with reservations and services
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Service classes - Classes of services
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Service list - Creating of Transfer and Extra Service
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Cancellation reasons - Cancellation reasons
Work with Hotel service

Master-Interlook:Справочники. Hotel Schedule - Working schedule of hotels
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Categories of hotels - Categories of hotels
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Room types - Room types of hotels
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Room categories - Room categories of hotels
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Accommodation types - Accommodation types of hotels
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Pansion types - Meal types of hotels
Work with excursions
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Excursions- List of excursions
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Voucher blank types - Voucher blank types
Work of program-owner
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Booking offices - Booking offices
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Guides - Guides in hotels
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Transfermen - Transfermen
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Complaint types - Complaint types
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Seasons - Touristic seasons
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Tariffs - Price tariffs
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Markets - Price markets
Work with customers and providers
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Transaction types - Payment transaction types
Master-Interlook:Справочники. Признак Show online - Show online sign
Prepare product sale
Work with prices
Master-Interlook:Начало работы с ценами - General work with prices
Master-Interlook:Cost offers - Cost offers
Master-Interlook:Hotel prices structure - Working with Hotel prices structure
Master-Interlook:Hotel prices - Prices for hotel service
Master-Interlook:Transfer prices - Prices for transfers
Master-Interlook:Excursion prices - Prices for excursions
Master-Interlook:Extra services prices - Prices for extra services
Master-Interlook:Transport rent prices - Prices for rented transport
Master-Interlook:Documents - Documents in the system
Master-Interlook:Правила расчета цен на услуги - Price culculation rules
Master-Interlook:Работа с мастерами копирования- Copy wizards
Master-Interlook:Hotel price list- Hotel price list
Information on avalable places
Master-Interlook:Работа с квотами - Work with quotas and stop-sales
Master-Interlook:Stop-sale List - Work with Stop-sales
Подготовка к продаже услуг и пакетов
Master-Interlook:Работа с пакетами услуг - Work with service packages
General information on booking
Master-Interlook:Начало работы с путевками - Start to work with the reservations
Master-Interlook:Проверка корректности ввода данных - Data validation
Master-Interlook:Связывание услуг - Link services "per person"
Master-Interlook:Аннуляция- Cancel reservation (services)
Work with reservation
Master-Interlook:New Reservations - Manage new reservations
Master-Interlook:Reservations explorer - Serch reservations in the tree
Master-Interlook:Reservations-Reservations window
Master-Interlook:Booking control - Booking control
Master-Interlook:Search engine - Serch reservations in database
Master-Interlook:Overnight info - Overnight info
Master-Interlook:Reservations from Exchange - Reservations from Exchange with PS 'Master-Tour'
Master-Interlook:Booking provider - Booking provider tab
Master-Interlook:Flight Info - Flight Info tab
Master-Interlook:Tourist by service - Tourist by service tab
State of services
Transfer planning
Master-Interlook:Universal transfer planning - Arrival-Depature transfer planning
Master-Interlook:Hotel-Hotel transfer planning - Hote-Hotel transfer planning
Master-Interlook:Excursion transfer planning - Excursion transfer planning
Master-Interlook:Excursions constructor - Excursions constructor
Master-Interlook:Excursions - Schedule - Excursions schedule
Master-Interlook:Excursion real planning - Extimation on excursion cost
Master-Interlook:Excursions - Vouchers - Information on distributed excursion vouchers
Master-Interlook:Excursions. Экран Sale Excursion - Sale excursions
Master-Interlook:Excursions. Commission groups - Groups of guide commissions
Master-Interlook:Excursions. Commissions - Guide commissions
Settlements with customers and providers
Master-Interlook:Начало работы со счетами
-How to start with accounts Master-Interlook:Partners accounts - Partners accounts
Master-Interlook:Service providers invoices - Service providers invoices
Master-Interlook:Invoice - Invoice window
Master-Interlook:Варианты создания инвойсов - Invoice variants
Master-Interlook:Диалог New Invoice - Create new invoice
Master-Interlook:Invoice Management - Invoice Management screen
Master-Interlook:Full daily costs - Full daily costs - total balance
Master-Interlook:External Client invoices - External Client invoices
Master-Interlook:Customer balance - Customer balance(balance on invoices)
Master-Interlook:Partners payments - Partners payments
Master-Interlook:Payments - Customers payments
System Settings - general
Master-Interlook:Общие принципы работы c настройками - General work with settings
Master-Interlook:Настройки. Справочник размещений в отелях, разрешить редактировать Уникальный код -Allow unique code editing
Master-Interlook:Настройки. Формат номера инвойса - Invoice numbering
Master-Interlook:Настройки. Автоматический расчет стоимости услуги после ее изменения-Automatically calculate reservation after change
Master-Interlook:Настройки. Автоматический перерасчет услуги трансфера при изменении привязки туристов - Automatically calculate transfer when you change number of tourists
Master-Interlook:Настройки. Блокирование стоимости услуги после ее автоматического расчета - Automatically set lock net and lock price
Master-Interlook:Настройки. Использовать собственную нумерацию путевок
Master-Interlook:Настройки. Причина аннуляции (по умолчанию) -Canselation reason (default)
Master-Interlook:Настройки. Проверка максимального возраста ребенка для услуги отель - Check max child age in hotel for tourist identification
Master-Interlook:Настройки. E-mail for agency registration - E-mail for agency registration
Master-Interlook:Настройки. Сохранение параметров поиска - Preserve search options
Master-Interlook:Настройки. Формат номера путевки - Format of reservation number
Master-Interlook:Настройки.Mail business-event settings - Mail business-event settings
Master-Interlook:Настройки.Auto format tourist name - Auto format tourist name
Master-Interlook:Настройки.Check stop-sale during reservation opening - Check stop-sale during reservation opening
Master-Interlook:Настройки.Allow to take from free-sale when tour-operator's quota ended - Allow to take from free-sale when tour-operator's quota ended
Master-Interlook:Настройки.Enable set stop-sale for commitment quota - Enable set stop-sale for commitment quota
Master-Interlook:Настройки.Planted on the quota for any change - Planted on the quota for any change
Work with the reports
Master-Interlook:Установка отчетов - Reports installation
Master-Interlook:Вывод отчетов - Reports print
Master-Interlook:Стандартные встроенные отчеты - Standard reports included in the system
Master-Interlook:Net hotel prices/Customer hotel prices
Master-Interlook:Отчет 4000 Booking Request - стандартный профиль
Master-Interlook:Отчет 4001 Invoice - стандартный профиль
Master-Interlook:Отчет 4003 Stop sale list - стандартный профиль
Master-Interlook:Отчет 4013 Check - стандартный профиль
Master-Interlook:Отчет 4014 Ticket - стандартный профиль
Master-Interlook:Отчет 4040 Partner request - стандартный профиль
Master-Interlook:Отчет 4200 Departure information - стандартный профиль
Master-Interlook:Отчет 4201 Arrival-Departure - стандартный профиль
Settings-экран Online Users
Master-Interlook:Список пользователей имеющих доступ Online
Дополнительные модули (Plug-Ins)
Master-Interlook:Дополнительный модуль "Credit lines"
Master-Interlook:Дополнительный модуль Импорт прайс-листов ( Price import)
Master-Interlook:Дополнительный модуль Импорт прайс-листов:Шаблон для импорта
Система администрирования
Модуль администрирования - общие принципы работы
Master-Interlook:Конфигуратор sql.ini
Master-Interlook:Действия. Общие принципы работы
Master-Interlook:Действия. ACC_CanLockCheckInDate
Master-Interlook:Действия. ACC_CanMakeTotalInvoice
Master-Interlook.Действия. ACCOUNTS
Master-Interlook:Действия. Действия ACC_
Master-Interlook:Действия. ALLOTMENTS
Master-Interlook:Действия. ALLOTMENTS_Info
Master-Interlook:Действия. Allow remove reservation
Master-Interlook:Действия. Allow to change customer
Master-Interlook:Действия. Allow to Vouchers
Master-Interlook:Действия. AutomaticallySetStopSale
Master-Interlook:Действия. Blocking-Unblocking Allow
Master-Interlook:Действия. Can exceed allotment
Master-Interlook:Действия. Can ignore release period
Master-Interlook:Действия. Can ignore stop sale
Master-Interlook:Действия. Can set stop sale for commitment
Master-Interlook:Действия. Check-Uncheck reservation allow
Master-Interlook:Действия. Costs_Delete
Master-Interlook:Действия. DICTIONARIES
Master-Interlook:Действия. Действия DICT_
Master-Interlook:Действия. Documents
Master-Interlook:Действия. Edit request to provider
Master-Interlook:Действия. Edit service list
Master-Interlook.Действия. HISTORY
Master-Interlook:Действия. Invoice Blocking
Master-Interlook:Действия. Manual change of program owner
Master-Interlook:Действия. Manual change of reservation number
Master-Interlook:Действия. PRICES
Master-Interlook:Действия. Действия PRICES_
Master-Interlook:Действия. Prohibition edit customer reserv number
Master-Interlook:Действия. RESERVATIONS
Master-Interlook:Действия. Действия RESV_
Master-Interlook:Действия. Show services with no "Show in invoice"
Master-Interlook:Действия. TOOLS
Master-Interlook:Действия. Действия TOOLS_
Master-Interlook:Действия. Transfer timing
Master-Interlook:Действия. Show Files tab in Partners

Настройка обмена данными с ПК Мастер-Тур
Master-Interlook:Обмен данными - топология развертывания
Отслеживание изменений в программе
Master-Interlook:History- История событии в программе

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