Master-Interlook:Dictionaries General topics

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Версия от 09:21, 14 ноября 2012; Chernyshov (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Version {{REVISIONDAY}}-{{REVISIONMONTH}}-{{REVISIONYEAR}}. ==Introduction== This article describes the principles of working with directories (menu Dictionaries)…»)
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Version 14-11-2012.


This article describes the principles of working with directories (menu Dictionaries).

Purpose of dictionaries

Dictionaries are designed to make the information in order to reuse it. The information in dictionaries is displayed in a table containing a list of possible values. For each of these values ​​is possible to establish a number of parameters (such as the mandatory and not mandatory).

Work with dictionaries

To make a new entry in the table, use the Add button939.PNG, to copy an existing entry click Copy940.PNG, and to delete the record button Remove941.PNG, .
To reset (returning to the original data without saving) click Refresh button942.PNG.
To save information click Save button943.PNG.
Filling some of the dictionaries requires prior completion of other dictionaries.
For example, you must first make the directory Countries country, then the associated regions in the directory Regions.
Typically dictionaries are arranged in order from top to bottom filling.