Translations:Master-Interlook:Использование веб-сервиса/1/en

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Версия от 14:40, 27 ноября 2012; Chernyshov (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «Version {{REVISIONDAY}}-{{REVISIONMONTH}}-{{REVISIONYEAR}}. ==Introduction== This article provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) to work with a web …»)
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Version 27-11-2012.


This article provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) to work with a web service one used in the PC "Master-Interlook".

Answers to frequently asked questions

'Q:' Is it possible to book hotels?
'A:' Yes ​​

'Q:' Is it possible through a web service to book excursions?
'A:' Yes ​​

'Q:' Is it possible through a web service to book transfers?
'A:' Yes ​​

'Q:' Is it possible through a web service book any more services?
'A:' Yes ​​(additional services and packages)

'Q:' We book reservation with an arbitrary set of services.
What are the limitations of using a web service (both technical and algorithmic)?
'A:' Microsoft.Net FrameWork 4.0 IIS 7 and above.

'Q:' Is it possible to obtain all the necessary reference data (cities, countries, hotels, types of transfers, documents, places, languages, etc.)?
'A:' There is a set of methods to get data from the dictionaries. Method GetData (DataRequest dataRequest) receives data from dictionaries (dictionary type is passed in): ExtraServices, Countries, Regions, Cities, RoomCategories, RoomTypes, RoomAccommodations, Pansions, Hotels, Ratings, Airports, Transports, Providers, Excursions, Transfers, TransferTypes, ServicePackages , Rates, DLStatuses, Tariffs, Charters, RoomDescriptions. There's also a separate methods to get data from dictionaries.

'Q:' Is it possible to search for services on pre-defined parameters, such as: dates, location - city, country (for transfers start and end points), number of persons, additional restrictions (type of transfer, tours, hotel stardom, food)? The search results should be a service to their description and the final price of services (for service quota quota).
'A:' method to search for services not. There is a method to search for reservations Megatec.Interlook.DataObjects.DataRequestResult GetPagingData (string guid, Megatec.Interlook.DataObjects.DataRequestParams dataRequest) (also, this method is able to cheat and look for the price of services). This method can get a list of reservations by the parameters, and the method Megatec.Travel.Entities.Reservation GetReservation (string guid, int dgKey) to get the right reservation with details on services, reservation, etc.

'Q:' Is it possible to request additional information on services (the item can be implemented in the search): Returns information on possible penalties for no-shows, the conditions of service, a detailed description of the services?
'A:' No, I need to get a reservation - it contains all the information about its services.

'Q:' Is there a possibility of booking. The method must accept a request for a reservation and get at least an identifier for further reservation status request?
'A:' Method Megatec.Travel.Entities.Reservation CreateReservation (string guid, Megatec.Travel.Entities.Reservation reserv) creates and returns a reservation after booking.
'Q:' Is it possible to query the status of the booked services. Returns the status (and if there is change) Book Services?
'A:' get a service voucher standard methods, we can look at the service's status.

'Q:' Is it possible to cancel service (similar reservations, but with appropriate designation)?
'A:' Method string CancelReservation (string guid, int dgKey, int annulReasonID, string note) will cancel reservation. Method string CancelServices (string guid, int dgKey, string dlKeys, int annulReasonID, string note)will cancel services in reservation.

'Q:' Is it possible using the web-service change already reserved services?
'A:' It's possible. Algorithm is as follows: the standard method we get a reservation, change in it that we need, send this reservation using method for booking. The method determines that a reservation has already been created, and will make a change, instead of creating new one.