Translations:Master-Interlook:Работа с квотами/18/en
== Description == table with quotas
The table in the center of the screen displays information according to the specified criteria. Hotel service name in the Name field shows the name and category of the hotel, the name of the object - the type and category of room.
The table for each date shows the number of quotas, the number of sold / svobodannyh places, the number of services is confirmed quotas are on request.
To view / hide the information on a separate service, highlight it in the table and then click Expand / Collaps respectively. To view information on all the services in the table on the panel with the filters, put a sign Expand all.
If it is necessary to analyze the range and load chain hotels, select the table service and then click Attach. The string attached to the service marked a "plus" and disappears from the list of services when the criteria is always staying at the top of the list. Thus it is possible to attach several services that meet the filter criteria are different.
The table with the quotas are highlighted in red cells, if the stop sale is subject to quotas in full and pink, if the stop sale is part of the object (for example, only one of the types of numbers specified in the description of the object). Cell is highlighted in yellow, if the quota has come release time. Number of free places Free places painted green.
You can highlight the portion of the agency, change the release period and the number of seats in the quota, arm / disarm stop sales. All these functions are available in the context menu, which left mouse button on the line, as amended quota. Quota type Commitment in general can not arm / disarm stop sales (this is only possible through the screen Stop sale list), so the context menu function Set Stop-Sale, Remove Stop-Sale, Stop-Sale Information will be available.
Function context menu Service list by date and Services on quota to view the list of all services on a specific date and a list of services on the quota accordingly.