Translations:Master-Interlook:Работа с квотами/30/en
Set stop-sale for commitment
By default, the program can not put a stop to the sales quota type of commitment. In order to install a stop-sale quota type commitment to the database PS Master - Interlook SystemSettings in the table should be a record and SS_ParmName SS_ParmValue = 'SYSStopForCommitment', 1. Thus, when creating a stop-sale on the service in the field Type of Stop-sale will be able to choose the type of stop-sale value of All types, which means that the stop of sales will be applied to all types of quotas. If this is set at the same time analyzing processes stop-sale type Allotment only, then when removing the stop-sale type All types, stop-sale type Allotment only remains valid. If this setting is not present, then the type of stop-sale will default Allotment only, and the field Type of Stop-sale will not be displayed.