Translations:Master-Interlook:Начало работы с путевками/18/en

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Need invoice remaking

Разрешить написание латиницей If you change the value of brutto price of services (as well as the change of any parameter that affects its valueor bruttoor rebooking services from PS "Master-Interlook Web»), on which was billed invoice is automatically set up sign Need invoice remaking.
Also sign Need invoice remaking is put for the service when it is canceled for all the services in the canceled reservation.
If the reservation is not set in the invoice or reservation has at least one service for which set the sign Need invoice remaking, or added a new service after issuing of invoice, for all reservation is put sign Need invoice remaking.
In this case, you can create a new invoice (which applies on the difference in the cost of service and the existing invoice) or you can edit an existing invoice.