Translations:Master-Interlook:Работа с квотами/32/en
Remove stop-sale
When removing the stop of sales in this mode indicator is possible to remove the stop-sale quota as objects in general, and with the specific type and room category. To do this, the screen Stop-Sale list, click Cancel. In the window Cancel Stop-Sale displays the name of the hotel and supplier to provide the quota. Here your period dates, type and room category, type of stop-sale (if the object quota instituted stop-sale of various types). If the description of the object of quotas for room type and / or number kotegoriya set to All, then in addition to the description of the hotel (in dictionary Partners) new type and / or room, they are automatically added to the description of allocation. The text entered in the Comment, can be seen in operation with a history of quota History quota info. If the set stop-Sail has an option All category and a list of categories will not be edited, then sign All category for skimmed stop Salem remains. If the stop is removed only part of categories, the sign is removed for All category vchseh room categories of the object, as for those for whom it was made, and for those for whom the stop stays actual.