Translations:Master-Interlook:Работа с квотами/33/en

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Distribute quotas to the tour operators

Quotas may be common, ie available to all tour operators (in this case in the Customer value is selected All), and(or) the allocation of certain tour operator. This mode is designed to transfer quota from one tour operator to another, or return to the general quota. To distribute the quota in the table with quotas then click Distribute part of quota. At the top of the window Distribute quota displays information about the current quota. In the date fields transmitted period selected table quotas. The drop-down list Source quota formed of those buyers (tour operators) who have a given quota. In the Customer must choose a tour operator, which will be allocated a quota, in the Type - the type of allocated quotas, in the Release - release period quotas, in the Places - the number of portable seats. The maximum number of quotas available for transfer is the minimum number of available (not employed) quota for a given period and is displayed in the Max. value. For example: one of the dates within the specified period we are, are 5 of quotas, and the other - 10, in this case, the maximum number of allowances available for transfer will be 5. Comments made in the Comment, will be displayed in the History quota info. Table Detailes a list of dates from the period specified in the fields Period from / to the number of available allowances date. Calculate tab, the user can calculate the total cost of the quota for the tour operator. Calculation is based on the values ​​of room type, location, category, power settings on this tab. The calculation used the base prices. If you want to calculate the cost of specific free software, then it must be selected in the drop down list SPO. Price will be calculated in the currency specified in the Currency. If the box set Discount discount, then the calculation will be made taking into account the discount given. Fields and Price Price detailes is not editable: they displayed price and detail pricing accordingly. Upon confirmation of the fact of distribution of information detailing the calculation of the distribution is preserved in history (History quotas info).