Translations:Master-Interlook:Работа с квотами/5/en
Quota types
When the quota for the service is specified must be chosen the type of quota (Quota type). Quota has two types - Allotment и Commitment:
- Allotment – is soft quota. From it you can cancel for a certain period before the deadline. Need to confirm the purchase of a specified period, usually called a release period. At this type of quota can be set as a stop sales via the screen Stop Sale List and via Sale service screen.
- Commitment' – rigid, fully redeemed quota sold in the future to the tour operator of your choice. At this type of quota can be set stop sales interpretation via the screen Stop Sale List. Generally, the quota type Commitment in the program can not put a stop on sales (sales order billing stop to that type 'Commitment described in Paragraph Stop-Sale).